VR Warnings

Please read all the warnings on our website and those provided with your VR devices, before engaging in VR experiences.

The Gameplay Environment

We recommend playing our VR games while sitting in a chair. Please ensure that you have cleared everything around you that might fall over, hurt you, or get damaged. Do not run, walk, or lunge during gameplay. Basically, try not to hurt yourself while you’re wearing VR goggles or cardboard devices.

Potential Physical Harm & Discomfort

Mobile Devices currently have refresh rates of (up to, but) fewer than 60 frames per second and subsequently considerable latency. Latency describes the discrepancy between what your eyes are seeing and what your kinesthetic organ communicates to your brain. Prolonged game play may cause temporary nausea, headaches, and discomfort; known as simulator sickness. If you experience any of these symptoms, please stop the VR experience. The simulator sickness effect is only temporary.

For users with medical and/or pre-existing conditions (like pregnancy, binocular vision abnormalities, psychiatric disorders, heart disease, neurological preconditions), we recommend that you consult a physician before using VR devices.

Murkus recommends that users should be at least 16 years of age and that minors (who are 16 and older) should be monitored by adults during gameplay. According to some VR headset producers, prolonged use could have a negative impact on skills like hand-eye coordination or balance.

2016 Murkus LLC